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About us

L-MODELS is the most powerful and successful modeling agency in Ukraine that has been successfully present in the Ukrainian modeling market more than 30 years. Our models database exceeds 700 professional models, including “new faces”, kid models and professional actors. You can always find our models on the covers of the editions of the Ukrainian as long as overseas magazines. Besides you can always see our models at the advertising campaigns of the famed brands as in Ukraine as well as international.

Irina Timofeyeva
Co-Founder and CEO
Stas Yankelevskiy
Co-Founder and CEO / heads the international department
Svetlana Lyakhovetskaya
booker / local department
Nataliya Slin’ko
booker / local department



Kyiv 04071, Ukraine 30/39, Shchekavitskaya st., of. 14

Tel./fax : +38(044) 205-41-41 (multi channel)


30/39, Shchekavitskaya str., of. 14, Kyiv 04071, Ukraine
©2012-2025 All right reserved. L-models Agency